28 februari 2023
The draft budget had been published for inspection at the beginning of October. It was then discussed with the Central Works Council and the Central Student Council. In June, the Framework Letter was also published and discussed.
The 2022 Administrative Agreement on higher education and science was signed in the summer of this year. For the UvA, this leads to significantly more income to be received under the government grant. That is clearly visible in the 2023 budget and the estimates for the years 2024-2026. The additional income is available for sector plans, starter grants for beginning assistant professors and incentive grants for other academics. Income from tuition fees, contract teaching and research and other activities also increase compared to 2022.
The UvA is a non-profit organisation and aims for a zero result. This means that higher income in the 2023 budget also allows us to budget higher expenses. The extra financial scope is mainly used to hire additional staff, but accommodation, depreciation and other expenses also increase due to inflation and growth of the university.
Visit uva.nl/financien for more background information and to download the 2023 budget.
On Tuesday 6 June 2023, Jan Lintsen, member of the UvA’s Executive Board, will give a lecture for staff and students. The lecture will be on the university's financial management and the 2024 Framework Letter. Keep an eye on the staff and student newsletter for more details and to register.