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Prof. D.N. den Hartog has been appointed professor of Organizational Behavior at the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics.

Prof. D.N. den Hartog (b. 1969) has been appointed professor of Organizational Behaviour at the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) per 1 September 2005. She works at the UvA Business School of this department.

As a professor, Deanne den Hartog will be occupying herself with education and research in the field of
Organizational Behavior. Her research particularly focuses on precedents and effects of leadership in various organisations. Among other things, Den Hartog is involved with the GLOBE project, a study into perceptions of leadership and culture in 62 countries. She also does research on inspiring leadership and ethical leadership, innovative, pro-active and cooperative behaviour in organisations, team effectiveness, and the effects of several systems of Human Resource Management. Den Hartog furthermore is programme director of the MSc in Business Studies of the Amsterdam Business School and coordinates the specialisation of Business Studies of the bachelor’s programme Economie en Bedrijfskunde.

Den Hartog was attached as professor to the Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) since 2000. After obtaining her PhD degree at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in 1997 she acquired a personal research subsidy from NWO (the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) and worked at the department of labour psychology and organisational psychology of the VU as university teacher. She also spent some time at the Institute of Work Psychology of the University of Sheffield as research fellow.
Den Hartog is member of the board of the Netherlands Foundation for Management Development (NfMD), and a member of among other things the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities and international and international associations such as International Association of Applied Psychology and Academy of Management. She is furthermore attached to the journal editorial boards of among others The Leadership Quarterly.