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Prof. N.M. Wijnberg has been appointed professor of Cultural Enterprise and Management at the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics.

Prof. N.M. Wijnberg (b. 1961) has been appointed professor of Cultural Enterprise and Management at the Faculty of Economics and Econometrics of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). The chair has been made possible partly due to the VandenEnde Foundation.

As professor, Nachoem Wijnberg will be engaging himself with research and education in the field of Cultural Enterprise and Management. His research focuses in particular on strategic and organisational aspects of competition, entrepreneurship and innovation of cultural industries. The aim of this research is not only a better understanding of economic processes in cultural sectors, but also to address fundamental matters of economic theory exactly by taking serious the particulars of cultural sectors and cultural products as economists. Part of his tasks is to give cultural enterprise a place in the curricula, particularly on master’s level, of the Universiteit van Amsterdam Business School.

Wijnberg was attached to the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) as professor of Industrial Economics and Organization from 2001 till 2005, where he was also president of the cluster Strategy and Business Environment and the research group ‘Innovation’.
The VandenEnde Foundation is the private culture fund founded by the couple Joop and Janine van den Ende in 2001; the financing of the chair of Cultural Enterprise and Management matches with the Foundation’s policy of reinforcing cultural entrepreneurship in the Netherlands.