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Prof. P Englund has been appointed professor of Real Estate Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Prof. P Englund (b. 1950) has been appointed professor of Real Estate Finance at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA).

Peter Englund’s research has dealt with various topics within the field of real estate finance and economics, including the impact of taxation on housing choices. His current interests focuses on price formation. Much of it deals with constructing price indices, which is a challenging issue since properties are heterogeneous and rarely traded. Accurate indices are crucial for estimating the risk and returns to property investment and for analyzing how homeowners can hedge such risks.

In recent work Englund has also taken an interest in office markets and tried to understand the adjustment of office rents and vacancies. At the Universiteit van Amsterdam he hopes to contribute to building a research group in real estate finance. An important research area will be the market for owner-occupied homes, where there exists very good Dutch data on individual property transactions.

Englund was professor of Banking and Insurance at the Stockholm School of Economics since 1998. He was also director of the Stockholm Institute of Financial Research from 200 till 2003. Before 1998, Englund worked at the Uppsala University as professor of Economics.