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Dr AM Brouwer has been appointed extraordinary professor of Molecular Spectroscopy at the Faculty of Science.

Dr AM Brouwer (b. 1956) has been appointed extraordinary professor of Molecular Spectroscopy at the Faculty of Science of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). The chair has been endowed by Stichting John van Geuns Fonds.

In his research, Fred Brouwer addresses chemical processes which are induced by light (photochemistry) or studied by means of the interaction between light and molecules (molecular spectroscopy). He examines fundamental processes and applies the knowledge obtained on these fundamental molecular spectroscopic characteristics to other areas of research such as on the mechanisms of catalytic processes. Within the context of nanotechnology Dr Brouwer investigates the opportunities of light-induced molecular motors, and the interaction between molecules and light in the vicinity of metal nanoparticles.

In this kind of research scientists increasingly use extremely sensitive optical detection methods which makes it possible to even observe single molecules. An important research issue to be addressed in the near future is the production of fuel from solar energy, CO2 and water, which complements existing research on the transformation of solar energy into electricity. The Van ’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences of the UvA, where Dr Brouwer is employed, is well placed to make a contribution in this field because of the available expertise on photonics and catalysis.

Dr Brouwer has been employed at the department of Chemistry of the UvA since 1987, first as lecturer and since 1993 as senior lecturer. He was visiting research scientist at the Venture Business Laboratory in Osaka (Japan) in 2003. Dr Brouwer is a member of the standing committee of the European Photochemistry Association (EPA).