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Dr A Jolink has been appointed extraordinary professor of History of Economic Thought at the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Dr A Jolink (b. 1962) has been appointed extraordinary professor of History of Economic Thought at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA). The chair has been endowed by the Stichting mr. N.G. Pierson Fonds. Dr Jolink will be succeeding Prof. Arnold Heertje, who took his leave in 2006 as extraordinary professor of History of Economic Thought.

In his research, Albert Jolink focuses on the history of economic thought, in particular of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In this, he addresses the contribution of Dutch economists to the development of the discipline of economics, as well as the influence on the public debate. He also includes the influence of international developments in the discipline of economics on economic thought in the Netherlands. Economist Jan Tinbergen plays an important role in Dr Jolink’s research. Dr Jolink is currently working on an academic biography on Tinbergen, addressing topics such as the development of econometrics, making economic and monetary policy work, and the evolution of the European model.

As extraordinary professor Albert Jolink will be concerned with the increase and dissemination of knowledge in the field of the history of economic thought within the context of the developments in the Netherlands in the twentieth century. Furthermore he will be addressing the conservation of the Dutch economic heritage.

Dr Jolink has been employed at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) since 1987; since 2001 as associate professor of History of Economics and Management. Besides, he is chief editor of Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB), member of the board of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy and secretary of the board of Stichting Wetenschappelijke Nalatenschap Jan Tinbergen. Dr Jolink was founder of the expertise centre for history, management and economics (CHIMES) and the Graduate School of Philosophy and Economics (EIPE) of the EUR. Furthermore he was, among other things, visiting researcher at Yale University and University of Notre Dame (US), and visiting professor at the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan in Paris.