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Dr M Wieringa-de Waard has been appointed professor of Family Medicine, with a specific emphasis on specialist training, in the Faculty of Medicine.

Dr M Wieringa-de Waard (1950) has been appointed professor of Family Medicine with a specific emphasis on specialist training in the Faculty of Medicine at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (AMC-UvA).

Margrethe Wieringa-de Waard, a family doctor since 1976, obtained her PhD in 2002 with a dissertation on bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy. The research she is presently conducting focuses on the quality of the specialist training of family doctors. As a professor, she will concentrate her research on the interface between specialist training and patient care. She also aims to foster an increased rapport and collaboration with other specialized programmes in the AMC and with the Amsterdam School of Health Professions (ASHP) of the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Amsterdam City College).

Wieringa-de Waard has worked in the department of Family Medicine of the AMC-UvA since 1990, and has been head of the vocational training programme since 2000. In 2005 she graduated cum laude from a Master of Management in Education from the TIAS Business School Tilburg. Wieringa-de Waard holds various directorial and advisorial functions on committees inside and outside the AMC, including the AMC's Teach the Teachers programme. She educates trainees and instructors, and also teaches medical students within small group clinical tutorials. In 2003 she received the Heert Dokter Prize for the best article written by a family practitioner in the journal Huisarts en Wetenschap.