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Prof. Dany Jacobs will be appointed professor by special appointment of Industrial Dynamics and Innovation in the Faculty of Economics and Business as of 1 September 2007.

Prof. Dany Jacobs (1954) will be appointed professor by special appointment of Industrial Dynamics and Innovation in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) as of 1 September 2007. This chair has been created by the Stichting voor Industriebeleid en Communicatie (SIC).

Dany Jacobs researches innovation in the knowledge and creative economy. The strategies of businesses and government policies play an important role in this innovation. Jacobs has published a large number of academic texts. These include Adding values: The Cultural Side of Innovation (2007), Strategie. Leve de diversiteit (Strategy: Long live diversity, 2005), and Van kenniseconomie naar wild kapitalisme en terug (From knowledge economy to wild capitalism and back, 2001). In 1997, his book Het Kennisoffensief (The Knowledge Offensive, 1996), which dealt with intelligent competition in the knowledge economy, was chosen as book of the year by the Orde van Organisatiedeskundigen en -Adviseurs.

Jacobs worked for many years as senior researcher and advisor at TNO Center for Technology and Policy Studies. As a project leader he was responsible for around eighty-five strategic sector and cluster studies. Since 1998 he has been professor of Strategic Management, at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Additionally, he performs various advisorial functions. He is also a member of the Commissie van Wijzen ICES-KIS (Interdepartmental Committee for Economic Structural Reinforcement - Knowledge Infrastructure), and of the programming council of the Max Goote Kenniscentrum. From 2003 to 2007 Jacobs also held a professorship at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI) at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. He is also a columnist and reviewer for various publications including the NRC Handelsblad, Het Financieele Dagblad and Intermediair. From september 2007 onwards he will also be professor of Art, Culture and Economy at the professional universities ArtEZ and HAN in Arnhem.