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Dr R.P. Stevenson has been appointed Professor of Applied Analysis in the Faculty of Science.

Dr R.P. Stevenson (1961) has been appointed Professor of Applied Analysis in the Faculty of Science at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

In his professorship at the University, Rob Stevenson will concentrate on research and teaching in the area of applied, and in particular numerical, analysis. His research will focus on the numerical solution of partial differential equations. The mathematical modelling of phenomena both in science and in technology often produces such equations. An important theme in Stevenson's research is the development of solution methods that converge as fast as possible. In the near future, Stevenson hopes to contribute to the development of solution methods for high dimensional problems, which are arising in a growing number of fields of application.

Stevenson began his academic career in the Department of Mathematics at Utrecht University. He later worked as a researcher at the Eindhoven University of Technology and the Catholic University Nijmegen (now Radboud University Nijmegen), and as a software developer at MINT. Stevenson returned to Utrecht University in 1999, where he has worked as a senior university lecturer in the Department of Mathematics since 2003. Stevenson received an ‘Innovation Impulse' grant from NWO in 2001 for his research entitled Wavelets for solving operator equations.