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Professor E.M.P. van Gemert has been appointed Professor in Historical Dutch Literature in the Faculty of Humanities.

Professor E.M.P. van Gemert (1958) has been appointed Professor in Historical Dutch Literature in the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Lia van Gemert's current research focuses primarily on the dynamic relationships between literature and society in Dutch prose from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. After completing her dissertation on the function of the chorus in early modern Dutch drama (Utrecht University, 1990), she published widely on diverse literary genres (prose, drama, emblems, lyric and epic poetry), the meaning of gender, and the valorisation of academic knowledge. She has also contributed to projects geared towards secondary school education, such as the series Tekst in Context and the educational website www.literatuurgeschiedenis.nl. She is currently chief editor of an international team that is preparing an English-language anthology of historical Dutch women's literature.

Van Gemert has been Professor of Historical Dutch Literature after 1500 at Utrecht University since 2000. She formerly worked at the Radboud University Nijmegen as Professor of Older Dutch Literature until 1840. She has also worked as a lecturer in Dutch Literature from 1550 to 1850 at Utrecht University, and as a lecturer in Dutch Literature at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Amsterdam City College). Van Gemert is a member of the executive board of the Humanities division of the NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research), the Stichting Nederlandse Literaire Klassieken (Dutch Association for Literary Classics), and the Werkgroep Achttiende Eeuw (Dutch-Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies), and is also a member of the advisory council of the NIAS (Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences).