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Dr A.D. Kloosterman has been named Professor by Special Appointment in Forensic Biology in the Faculty of Science.
Prof. dr. A. (Ate) Kloosterman, foto Jeroen Oerlemans

Dr A.D. Kloosterman (1951) has been named Professor by Special Appointment in Forensic Biology in the Faculty of Science (FNWI) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The chair has been created by the Association for Chairs in Criminalistics (Stichting Leerstoel Criminalistiek). It is a new chair.

As Professor of Forensic Biology at the UvA, Ate Kloosterman will work towards the further development of forensic DNA research. One of the key points that the new chair will focus on is scholarly research on non-human biological traces. In addition, the chair will contribute to developing methods of research on human traces. In the forensic world, there is high demand for the further development of research methods with which the nature of biological traces can be more clearly established, for example in terms of tissue or cell type. Additionally, there is demand for the continued refinement of techniques with which these traces can be detected and preserved.

Ate Kloosterman has worked as a forensic DNA researcher at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) since 1980, working at the intersection between research and practical application. He has been around since the beginning of forensic DNA research in the Netherlands, and has testified as an expert witness at a large number of court cases. In addition, Kloosterman has been a lecturer in the Master of Forensic Science at the University of Amsterdam since 2005. He also provides instruction to various parties involved in the criminal justice system, including employees of the Public Prosecutor, judges, the police and lawyers. He is a member of the International Society of Forensic Genetics, the European DNA Profiling Group and the DNA Working Group of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes.