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Dr A.J.C. de Moor-van Vugt (1959) has been appointed Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, in particular Administrative Law, in the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Dr A.J.C. de Moor-van Vugt (1959) has been appointed Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, in particular Administrative Law, in the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Adrienne de Moor-van Vugt obtained her doctorate in 1995 at the then Catholic University of Brabant (Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, KUB) on the basis of her dissertation Measures and Weights; the principle of proportionality from a European perspective (Maten en Gewichten; het evenredigheidsbeginsel in Europees perspectief). Her dissertation dealt with, among other things, the influence of European law on national administrative sanction law. In 1997 she won the VAR prize from the Association for Administrative Law (Vereniging voor Administratief Recht). In her inaugural lecture in Tilburg (2000), De Moor-van Vugt addressed the relationship between monitoring and inspection by public authorities and monitoring by certified bodies and the relationship between national systems of monitoring and inspection and Community law. She has written scores of articles, books, research reports and annotations. Her most recent research is focused predominantly on the interface between European and Dutch administrative law with an emphasis on the design of public law arrangements for monitoring and inspection, financial aid and benefits, and administrative procedural law. Within this context, special attention was paid to the requirements that are imposed by European community law. In this framework, she has conducted research on inspection and sanctioning in environmental law, combat of fraud and irregularities against the EC budget, in particular the European Social Fund (Europees Sociaal Fonds), state aid, inspection and sanctioning with respect to classification of ships and to security companies, and the procedural implementation of European law by administrative law judges.

As Professor at the UvA, De Moor-van Vugt will focus on the interaction between the general aspects of administrative (procedural) law and European law. Her interests lie specifically in the effects of this interaction on certain fields of administrative law including market regulation as well as financial economic law, subjects with which she came in contact in her work as Justice.

De Moor-van Vugt has been a Justice in the Court of Appeal for Trade and Industries (College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven) since 2004 and is also Deputy Justice at the Court of Appeal in Den Bosch. Between 1999 and 2004 she worked at Tilburg University, initially as Professor of Administrative Enforcement Law and later as Jean Monnet-Professor of European Administrative Law. Prior to this, she worked at the same university as Researcher and as Senior University Lecturer in the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law and Public Administration. De Moor-van Vugt serves as Editor for several publications in her field and fills various administrative and advisory functions. She was a member of the Evaluation Committee of the General Administrative Law Act III (Commissie Evaluatie Awb III), and in 2002 of the Assessment Committee for Law education programmes in the Netherlands led by Quality Assurance Netherlands Universities (QANU). She was also responsible for planning and implementation of the Bachelor-Master structure within the Faculty of Law at Tilburg University.