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Dr J.C. Goslings (1968) has been named Professor of Surgery, with a special emphasis on trauma surgery, in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA).

Dr J.C. Goslings (1968) has been named Professor of Surgery, with a special emphasis on trauma surgery, in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA).

Carel Goslings works as a trauma surgeon and is involved in accident victim care. Given the AMC's function as a trauma centre, his work concentrates on patients with possible and diagnosed severe injuries. He is responsible for leading a multidisciplinary trauma care management team, working in the hypermodern trauma room with a sliding CT-scanner at the AMC.

Working under Goslings' supervision, the Trauma Unit pursues scientific research in the optimisation of care and logistics both during trauma room treatment and in the subsequent phases. Special emphasis is laid on CT-scanner deployment in the trauma room for the detection of life-threatening injuries, such as head injuries, internal bleeding and severe fractures. Goslings also conducts research on non-operative treatments for injuries, including embolisation to stop bleeding in the spleen, liver, pelvic area, etc. Other areas of research include treatment of injuries to the pelvis, extremities and the diagnosis and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder. Much of Goslings' research is carried out I cooperation with other specialists.

The AMC Trauma Unit is strongly devoted to teaching in all phases of medical, nursing and paramedical education, both within and outside the AMC. As medical head of the Trauma Unit, Goslings is actively involved in the trauma care network and the registration of accident victims in the region, in promoting knowledge and innovation in the field of trauma care, and in catastrophe preparation activities.

Goslings studied medicine at the UvA. After earning his medical licence he completed his military service, in part by working for the UN peacekeeping force in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He subsequently trained as a surgeon at the AMC and the St Lucas-Andreas Hospital in Amsterdam. Goslings has been on the staff of the Surgery Department at the AMC since 2001. He was appointed head of the Trauma Unit's Surgery Department in 2004 and medical head of the Trauma Centre in 2008. In 2002, he carried out a fellowship at various American trauma centres. From 2003 until 2007 he also worked as a physician on board the Northwest Netherlands Trauma Centre's Lifeliner 1 trauma helicopter. Goslings works as an editor for several publications, including the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Traumatologie. He is also a member of various national and international advisory committees, and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma.