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Dr C.P. Lindner (1971) has been named Professor of English Literature in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Dr C.P. Lindner (1971) has been named Professor of English Literature in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Christoph Lindner's research focuses primarily on the interdisciplinary study of urban space and culture, including literature, film, architecture and photography. Lindner is also an expert in globalisation and consumer culture, theories and methods of cultural studies, transnational modernism, popular cinema and contemporary francophone film and culture.

Lindner's major aim at UvA is to build on the current strengths of the English Literature group in order to develop a forward-thinking programme in literary studies. With his interest in major social, political and cultural themes of intellectual and public interest, Lindner also wishes to consolidate the leading position enjoyed by the interdisciplinary humanities.

Lindner has been an Associate Professor in literature and film at Northern Illinois University (USA) since 2005. In addition, he has been a Research Affiliate at the University of London Institute in Paris since 2007. He previously taught English and American Studies at the University of Wales (UK). Lindner has published a number of books, including Urban Space and Cityscapes: Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Culture (Routledge, 2006), Fictions of Commodity Culture (Ashgate, 2003), and The James Bond Phenomenon: A Critical Reader (Manchester University Press, 2003).