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Dr J. H. Kamphuis (1964) has been appointed Professor of Psychodiagnostics and Personality in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Dr J. H. Kamphuis (1964) has been appointed Professor of Psychodiagnostics and Personality in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Jan Henk Kamphuis obtained his doctorate under the advisorship of Professor Michael J. Telch at the University of Texas (Austin, USA) on experimental research on mechanisms of anxiety reduction. After completing his clinical internship at the Psychiatric department of the Duke University Medical Center (Durham, USA), he accepted a position in the Netherlands as a cognitive therapist and Senior Researcher in the Academic Medical Center's (AMC) Mood Disorders programme.

Kamphuis' research targets clinical personality assessment and the links between personality and psychopathology. Kamphuis' publications largely concern innovations in the field of clinical personality assessment, anxiety disorders, depression, and the psychology of stalking. He teaches clinical personality assessment at the Bachelor, Master and post-Master level.

Kamphuis's research in this chair will focus on developing evidence-based clinical personality assessment applicable in clinical practice, and on clarifying individual differences in susceptibility for psychopathology.