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Dr R. Sloof (1969) has been named Professor of Organisational Economics in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Dr R. Sloof (1969) has been named Professor of Organisational Economics in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

As Professor, Randolph Sloof will be engaged in organisation economics, a field whose main focus is the functioning of organisations when creating economic value. This concerns the problems that arise when coordinating and motivating an organisation's personnel and the examination of potential solutions to these problems. For example, organisation economists examine the division of decision-making powers within organisations and the motivation of workers through merit pay, promotion and/or informal ‘relational' contracts. To this end, organisation economists use micro-economic and game theoretic models in their research. Sloof's research will focus particularly on the empirical assessment of these models by means of laboratory experiments, allowing him to test and, where necessary, refine the behavioural assumptions on which these models are based.

Sloof has been Senior University Lecturer in the Economics of Organisations and Personnel at the UvA since 2006. Prior to that, he was affiliated with the UvA as a doctoral candidate, postdoc and assistant professor. Since 2000 Sloof has also been a research follow at the Tinbergen Institute, the interuniversity research institute in which the Erasmus University Rotterdam, VU University Amsterdam and the UvA participate.