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Prof. J. Hinloopen (1968) has been named Professor of Industrial Organisation in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Photo: Jeroen Oerlemans

Prof. J. Hinloopen (1968) has been named Professor of Industrial Organisation in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Jeroen Hinloopen's research will hone in on two key topics over the coming years. The first is the relationship between insurance markets on the one hand and the performance of the product markets on the other, examined in light of the ‘insurance paradox' that he advanced in 2007. This paradox posits that insurance companies stand to benefit from instances of major damage or injury because they spur consumers to take out insurance. Seen from this perspective, an open insurance market does not automatically entail a decrease in the total cost of claims. Secondly, Hinloopen will continue his experimental research into the operations of imperfectly competitive markets. Specifically, he will study behaviours that push the boundaries of the competition law, such as abuse of dominant positions of power and the formation of cartels. Hinloopen's past research has explored economic-strategic aspects of research and development (R&D) partnerships and how private R&D financing can best be promoted through policy. He has also contributed to knowledge in the areas of product differentiation, tacit collusion and measures for comparative advantage.

Before joining the UvA as University Lecturer in 2000, Hinloopen worked at the University of Copenhagen and TU Delft, was active as a researcher at the Nederlandse Bank and as Senior Policy Adviser for the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Hinloopen is the co-founder of the Economics Network for Competition and Regulation (ENCORE) and has been Professor of Industrial Organisation at K.U.Leuven since 2006. He is furthermore a fellow of the Tinbergen Institute, ENCORE and the Amsterdam Centre for Law and Economics (ACLE). In 2007 Hinloopen served as Chair of the Economics Syllabus Committee of the Central Examination Board (CEVO), which was responsible for defining final attainment levels (based on the second Teulings Committee report on Economics education renewal) for the central written Economics final examination administered at the preparatory (VWO) and upper general secondary (HAVO) education levels.