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M.K. Francke (1970) has been appointed professor of Real Estate Valuation in the Economics and Business Faculty at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Foto: Jeroen Oerlemans.

Marc Francke has conducted research on econometrics and real estate. His main areas of study included the appraisal of houses and the measurement of price developments through econometric models derived from time series analysis. During his tenure at the UvA, Francke hopes to contribute to the development of the Real Estate Finance research group. Francke's research and lectures will focus on quantitative analysis of the real estate market, including research into the potential overvaluation of the private housing market. Francke will also continue to study valuation and the structure of price indexes for houses and commercial real estate, both key aspects in determining investment yields and risks.

Up until August 2008, Francke served as assistant professor in Econometrics at VU University Amsterdam, where he also obtained his doctorate in 2006. In 2001, he established OrtaX, a commercial venture specialised in the mass-valuation of real estate for parties such as local government and housing corporations. Francke started his career at the Amsterdam Council Tax Office. As of 2008, he has been responsible for real estate research at ORTEC Finance and combines these duties with his professorship.