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Professor D. Sikkel (1951) has been named Professor by Special Appointment of Aging, Communication and Consumer Behaviour in the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). The chair was designated on behalf of the Dutch market information company TNS NIPO.
Foto Jeroen Oerlemans

Dirk Sikkel's lectures and research centre on specific problems related to communicating with older consumers and citizens. Despite this topic's relative novelty, there is a great deal of information to be garnered from other fields. Sikkel conducts research from two specific perspectives. The first is theoretical. Changes in our natural and social roles from the age of 50 also affect our perspectives, which in turn influence consumer behaviour and our responsiveness to certain forms of communication. Sikkel's research focuses on exploring the link between these factors. The second vantage point offers a new perspective on practical social problems, ranging from the need for information on the economic crisis to product packaging unsuitable for older people.

Sikkel has been Professor of Data Collection at Tilburg University since 1998. Prior to this he served as Professor of Methodology at the UvA from 1993 to 1997, specialising in the development of models in the social sciences. From 1997 to 2002, Sikkel was Scientific Director at Stichting CentERdata, a research institute specialised in online surveys. He is currently owner-manager of the statistics, market research and software development company Sixtat. Sikkel is also affiliated with Booming Experience, a marketing and communication agency aimed specifically at the 50+ age group.