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Dr Eugène Loos (1963) has been appointed professor by special appointment of “Old and New Media in an Ageing Society” at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair was designated on behalf of ANBO, the Netherlands’ largest association for senior citizens.

Dr Eugène Loos (1963) has been appointed professor by special appointment of "Old and New Media in an Ageing Society" at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair was designated on behalf of ANBO, the Netherlands' largest association for senior citizens.

His research focuses on the use of old and new media by older people. Amongst other avenues of research, he assesses user-friendly websites targeted at older people and studies their navigation behaviour. Loos aims to provide insight into the development of accessible information sources for a diverse group of senior citizens. From a social perspective, our ageing population calls for public and private sector organisations to develop policies on the provision of tailor-made services and products for older people. Crucially, sources of information must be made accessible for a diverse group of senior citizens, who are only too often regarded as a homogenous entity. According to Loos, it is essential that we recognise the differences between various population groups within the broader group of senior citizens. An adequate level of services will require research into the role of old and new media as a source of information for various groups of older people (such as men, women, those with higher and lower levels of education, Dutch natives and immigrants).

His tenure at Utrecht University (UU) dates back to 1988, when he was appointed lecturer at the Arts Faculty and Policy and Management Centre. Eugène Loos has worked at the UU's School of Governance (USG) since 2000 as a lecturer/researcher and senior lecturer. Amongst other duties, he serves as coordinator of the Communications, Policy and Management Bachelor's and Master's programmes. Eugène Loos is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts-accredited Research School for Resource Studies for Development (CERES) and the Alliance of Vital Administration (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations). He coordinates ‘The future in young and old hands: towards an inclusive broadband society' research project, a part of the EU's ‘European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research' research network.