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Ms K. Wittebrood (1965) has been named professor by special appointment of Social Safety in the Urban Public Space at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair has been designated on behalf of Stichting Synthesis.

Ms K. Wittebrood (1965) has been named professor by special appointment of Social Safety in the Urban Public Space at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair has been designated on behalf of Stichting Synthesis.

Karin Wittebrood researches issues in the broader area of crime and safety. Her research focuses on themes such as victimisation and the fear of crime, the way in which the social context affects these factors and the effectiveness of safety-related policies. In her capacity as professor, Wittebrood will conduct research on social safety in settings such as residential neighbourhoods and leisure and shopping areas. Why does the level of social safety differ from one area to another, and which measures can be taken to effectively increase social safety?

Wittebrood has served as a senior researcher at The Netherlands Institute for Social Research SCP (Housing, Liveability and Safety research group) since 1999. She has also published numerous articles in national and international scientific periodicals. She has co-authored various Social and Cultural Planning Office reports, including Crime victims, Anxious citizens, A focus on the neighbourhood and Social safety unlocked. Wittebrood regularly participates in supervision committees and served as secretary of the Netherlands Association for Criminology (NVK) from 1999 to 2004.