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Dr E. Bauw (1962) has been named Professor of Judicial Procedure in the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

Dr E. Bauw (1962) has been named Professor of Judicial Procedure in the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

In his research, Eddy Bauw seeks to broaden the way in which the administration of justice is approached. This broadening applies to the academic discipline of law: the focus is not on any specific area of law but on the integrated discipline as a whole. Furthermore, his research seeks to determine which insights from other academic disciplines are or could be relevant to the dispensation of justice. Bauw wants to identify these insights and apply them to judicial procedure. Moreover, he attempts to interest researchers from other academic disciplines in the field of judicial procedure and so create a multidiscipline platform. In all of his research, Bauw is primarily interested in the contribution judicial procedure can make to solving problems faced by citizens and society.

Bauw has published extensively, particularly on the subjects of environmental law, liability law, the administration of justice and judicial procedure. He earned his PhD cum laude from the UvA in 1994 and since 2002 he has worked as an advisor and deputy head of the Development Department of the Council for the Judiciary. Prior to that, he was a legislative lawyer and advisor for the legislation department of the Ministry of Justice. He is also deputy Judge in the Arnhem Court of Appeal and deputy judge in the District Court of The Hague.