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Prof. E.G. Smit (1967) has been named professor of Media & Advertising at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Prof. E.G. Smit (1967) has been named professor of Media & Advertising at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

Edith Smit studies the role of advertising in daily life, and the effectiveness of various media formats. Her research activities as part of the new Media & Advertising chair focus on two themes central to the development of the media landscape: the integration of media and brands, and the growing customisation of communication. Examples of these developments include Rabobank, which broadcasts its own television programmes via Rabosport.nl and the iPhone version of the English Kraft Foods magazine, which provides consumers with tailor-made offers as they shop.

Smit has been professor by special appointment of Customer Media at the University of Amsterdam since 2007. Her previous positions included a tenure as senior university lecturer in Communication Studies at the same university. Smit served as managing director of SWOCC, the Foundation for Scientific Research on Commercial Communication for a period of eight years. She has received several awards in recognition of her publications, including a Top Paper Award from the International Communication Association and a doctoral thesis award from the Market Research Association (MarktOnderzoekAssociatie). Smit was also awarded a Coq d'Honneur by the Advertising Association (Genootschap voor Reclame) in recognition of her efforts on behalf of SWOCC.