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Prof. G.G. Kenter has been named Professor of Gynaecological Oncology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA).
Prof. G.G. Kenter (1952) has been named Professor of Gynaecological Oncology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA).

Gemma Kenter's research focuses on the role that immunology and immunotherapy can play in treating female genital conditions caused by HPV-infection, such as cancer. She is also interested how the treatment of cervical cancer affects sexuality over the long term. Her investigations in this area have lead to, amongst other things, the implementation of a nerve-saving surgical intervention in patients with the disease.

Kenter has been appointed Head of the Amsterdam Centre for Oncological Gynaecology (Centrum voor Oncologische Gynaecologie Amsterdam, CGOA). As a partnership between the AMC, AVL/NKI and VUmc, the CGOA brings oncological gynaecologists together to collaborate in the fields of patient care, research and teaching/training. In her capacity as Head of the CGOA, Kenter holds an appointment in each of these three institutions, and will also be named professor at VU University Amsterdam. Over the next few years, CGOA researchers will focus their attention on care for patients with oncological-gynaecological conditions. This research will be centred in Amsterdam and in the region covered by the Amsterdam Integral Cancer Centre (Integraal Kankercentrum Amsterdam).

Kenter previously served as Professor of Oncological Gynaecology at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), where she combined teaching activities with efforts to modernise the medical specialist study programme. She is also a member of a number of working groups and committees, including the Health Council's Cervical Cancer Treatment Committee and the Medical Specialist Registration Committee. Kenter has authored numerous publications, including for the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, the International Journal of Cancer and the NEJM.