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Prof. N.A. Blom has been named Professor of Paediatric Cardiology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA).

Prof. N.A. Blom (1963) has been named Professor of Paediatric Cardiology, in particular cardiac arrhythmia in children, in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA).

Nico Blom is specialised in the treatment of heart rhythm disorders in children and patients with congenital heart disease. His work has resulted in the introduction of a number of treatment methods for children that are considered advanced in the Netherlands, including catheter ablation, cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) and implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) therapy for congenital heart disease. The development of catheter ablation in the field of paediatric cardiology is essential as cardiac arrhythmia and heart failure are serious subsequent problems that can occur following congenital heart surgery.

In addition to paediatric electrophysiology, Blom also works on catheter interventions in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease. In his research, he focuses specifically on the development of the cardiac conduction system in relation to the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias as well as on clinical research into hereditary and other heart rhythm disorders. Blom also participates in research into catheter interventions in children and research into right ventricular failure in patients with congenital heart disease.

Blom is Professor of Paediatric Cardiology at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). He is also head of the Paediatric Cardiology Department at the LUMC and the Emma Children's Hospital (EKZ/AMC). The paediatric cardiology, congenital heart surgery and cardiology departments of the EKZ/AMC, the LUMC and the VU medical centre (VUmc) together form the Centre for Congenital Heart Disease Amsterdam-Leiden (CAHAL), one of the four paediatric heart centres in the Netherlands. Blom has published extensively in professional journals such as Circulation, Heart Rhythm and American Heart Journal. He also holds a number of executive positions at the national and international level, including positions at the Association for European Paediatric Cardiology.