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Dr A.A.H. van Hoek has been appointed Professor of Private International Law and Civil Procedure at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Law (FdR).
Foto: Jeroen Oerlemans

Dr A.A.H. van Hoek has been appointed Professor of Private International Law and Civil Procedure at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Law (FdR).

Aukje van Hoek studies the legal consequences of and conditions for economic and social integration. As a specialist in the conflict of laws, she concentrates on the coordination between national legal systems and the cooperation between national institutions with regard to the enforcement of private law rules. If an employer based in an EU member state sends an employee to work in another Member State, is the employee in question protected according to the standards of the host country, or of the country of origin? Can national law always be applied to cross-border situations and what adaptations are required in order to make national law "integration-proof"? Should judicial decisions from other Member States be recognized and open for execution without any additional requirements or procedure? What kind of infrastructure is needed in order to make the cross-border assertion of rights effective? The past few years, Van Hoek has explored these issues mainly with respect to cross-border labour relationships.

Together with colleagues from Utrecht, Tilburg and Nijmegen, she conducted comparative research on cross-border collective actions (such as strikes), on transnational collective labour agreements and on the employment conditions of posted workers. At the University of Amsterdam she willl continue this line of research, but will expand it to include other types of contracts as well as other aspects of partrimonial law. Her research activities will also include the impact of European integration on the law of civil procedure.

Prior to her appointment at the UvA, Van Hoek was associate professor of European Law at Tilburg University from 2004 until December 2009. From 2008 to 2009 she also held the Jean Monnet chair in Transnational Social Justice and European Integration. Previously, she was employed by the University of Utrecht where she worked as a senior researcher at the Centre for the Enforcement of European Law (Centrum voor Rechtshandhaving en Europese Integratie) and by the University of Amsterdam where she held various positions at the Faculty of Law. Van Hoek is a deputy justice at the Court of Appeals in Den Bosch. She was a member of the Netherlands Standing Government Committee on Private International Law (Staatscommissie Internationaal Privaatrecht) and a deputy judge at the court of first instance (kantonal section) in Delft. She acts as an adviser to both national and European social partners in matters concerning transnational labour relations. Van Hoek has co-edited several books and has published in various academic journals, including the Utrecht Law Review, the Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht and the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Privaatrecht.