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Dr A.G. Bregman has been named professor by special appointment of Area Development at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair was designated on behalf of the Amsterdam School of Real Estate.

Dr A.G. Bregman (1964) has been named professor by special appointment of Area Development at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair was designated on behalf of the Amsterdam School of Real Estate.

Arjan Bregman will be studying investment strategies for spatial change processes. He has extensive academic research experience in legal and administrative issues surrounding area development. The traditional development processes no longer suffice when dealing with major changes to built-up areas. Contrary to the standard way of doing things, the management processes can no longer be viewed independently from the investment processes in today's large-scale developments. The relationship between these two processes is still largely unexplored in academics and research in the Netherlands, which is why Bregman is focusing on this area. He will teach in both the Master's programme in the Amsterdam School of Real Estate (ASRE) and the Planning Master's and Bachelor's programmes at the UvA.

Bregman joined the Institute for Urban Planning and Building Law (Instituut voor Bouwrecht) in 1987 and has been a senior staff member for the past several years. In addition he has worked as an independent consultant since 1990, offering legal and strategic advice on area development. In 1999 Bregman obtained his Doctoral degree from the University of Groningen, where he spent the past decade as a guest lecturer. He co-founded the Platform of Experts in Planning Law. Bregman is a member of the executive board of the Political Reformed Party (Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij - SGP).