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Professor J. B. Cullen has been named Professor of Strategy at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Economics and Business.

Professor J. B. Cullen has been named Professor of Strategy at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Economics and Business.

John Cullen's research centres on the understanding of how national social institutions and culture influence management ethics and national rates of innovation and entrepreneurship. He also studies the effects of cross-cultural trust and commitment on the performance of international strategic alliances. At the University of Amsterdam Cullen plans to investigate how corporate social responsibility activities affect the financial performance of multinational companies. In particular, Cullen will look at the performance outcomes for companies that exceed legal requirements for environmental sustainability and open corporate governance.

Cullen received his Ph.D. from Columbia University and was Professor of Management at Washington State University from 1990. He has also held visiting appointments at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management; Department of Economics and Business, ISA, Membre de l'Université Catholique de Lille; Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University; and the Faculties of Business and Sociology, Keio University.

Cullen is currently a senior editor for the Journal of World Business. His most recent book is International Business: Strategy and the Multinational Company. (With K. Praveen Parboteeah) Routledge, 2010. He has published numerous articles in an array of scientific journals including the Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of World Business, Organization Science, and Business Ethics Quarterly.