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Professor J. Zeitlin has been appointed professor of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG)
Professor J. Zeitlin (1955) has been appointed professor of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG)

Jonathan Zeitlin's primary research interests focus on new forms of governance within and beyond the nation-state. His recent work examines the development of a new architecture of "experimentalist" governance in the European Union, based on recursive processes of framework rule making and revision through networked deliberation among European and national actors. In collaboration with an international group of scholars, he is currently analyzing the extension of this experimentalist rule-making architecture beyond the EU's borders and its emerging role in global governance. After arriving in Amsterdam, he plans to launch a new comparative research project to investigate the national influence of EU experimentalist governance across a range of specific policy domains in different Member States, including the Netherlands.

Zeitlin is professor of Sociology, Public Affairs, Political Science and History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Verenigde Staten).He is also director of the Center for World Affairs and Global Economy (WAGE) and co-founder of the European Union Center of Excellence. Zeitlin is president-elect of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE). He is co-author of The Oxford Handbook of Business History (Oxford University Press, 2007).