Dr. H. Wind (1952) has been appointed professor by special appointment of Social Insurance Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the Academic Medical Center (AMC-UvA). The chair has been created by the Stichting Instituut GAK.
Haije Wind has worked many years as an insurance physician for the UWV and its predecessors. He takes a particular interest in how to improve the assessments of medical advisers to insurance companies, such as the use of more tools to support insurance physicians in their assessments and provide insight into functional capabilities in relation to work. However, he is also interested in research into effective interventions aimed at participation of people hampered in their functioning by illness. In cooperation with the newly appointed professor of Insurance Medicine at the VU Amsterdam he will work towards developing these areas of interest in the coming years.
Since 2007, Wind has been senior researcher at the Kenniscentrum Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (Research Center for Insurance Medicine). This is a joint venture of AMC-UvA, University Medical Center Groningen , UWV and VU University Medical Center.. He is editor of the Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (Journal for Occupational and Insurance Medicine) and member of the ethics committee of the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Verzekeringsgeneeskunde (Dutch Association of Insurance Medicine). Wind is currently conducting further research into relevant themes for insurance medicine research.