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Dr. O.R.C. Busch was appointed professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Fotograaf: Jeroen Oerlemans

Dr. O.R.C. Busch (1962) was appointed professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Amsterdam (AMC-UvA).

Olivier Busch focuses his research on the surgery of the upper gatsrointestinal tract, oesophagus and stomach, and Hepatopancreatobiliary surgery (HPB surgery), that covers liver, pancreas and bile duct surgery. He is particularly interested in the oncological aspects of tumors of these organs. Busch expects that increasingly more tumors that are operated on will be treated in combination of chemo- and radiotherapy. Also non-malignant disorders such as pancreatitis and motility disorders of the oesophagus attract his attention. Moreover, functional aspects of this surgery hold a prominent place.

Given the fact that for these organs often highly complex surgery is needed, these operations are sensitive to complications and high quality of care is required. Therefore its treatment will take place in specialised centres more often. In addition, the quality of care needs to be controled by validated medical regristration systems. Better insight into the outcome of care is an important objective of Busch. In addition, he focuses on the modernisation of the educational program for surgical residency, which he is responsible for. The objective here is to implement a more competency-based training with structural feedback moments.

Busch has worked since 1999 as a surgery staff member at the AMC-UvA. He is currently chairman of the national working group that is drawing up the Pancreatic Carcinoma guidelines. As treasurer and co-founder of the Dutch Colorectal Surgical Audit (DSCA), Busch is actively involved trying to make the outcome of care in health care more transparent. He was previously chairman of the Dutch Society of Gastro-Intestinal Surgery (NVGIC) and he was a member of the board of the Dutch Society for Surgery (NVvH). Busch has many publications in national and international journals to his name.