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Dr V.M. Christoffels has been appointed professor of Developmental Biology with a focus on molecular developmental biology of the heart at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Fotograaf: Jeroen Oerlemans
Dr V.M. Christoffels (1970) has been appointed professor of Developmental Biology with a focus on molecular developmental biology of the heart at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).

Vincent Christoffels is a molecular developmental biologist and has expertise in the embryonic development of the heart of vertebrates. He studies the processes that control the development of various parts of the heart at the molecular and cellular level. His research focuses on the regulation of localised and temporal gene expression which ensures the formation of the specialised heart cells, and which spatially organises these to ensure the parts of the heart are formed in the correct place. Christoffels' research has also identified a transcription factor that plays a defining role in forming pacemaker cells and the heart's electrical conduction system. Congenital heart defects and arrhythmias occur relatively often. Understanding how they arise and, ultimately, preventing or remedying these developmental disorders are key themes for Christoffels.

Christoffels works as group leader of the Transcriptional Control of Cardiac Development research group in the department of Anatomy, Embryology & Physiology and the AMC Heart Failure Research Center. Furthermore, he carried out a year of postgraduate research at the University of Cambridge. Christoffels has published articles in various scientific journals, such as Circulation Research, Genes & Development, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Nature.