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Dr P. Kerkhof has been named professor by special appointment of Customer Media at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Fotograaf Jeroen Oerlemans
Dr P. Kerkhof (1965) has been named professor by special appointment of Customer Media at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair was designated on behalf of the Stichting Leerstoel Customer Media (Customer Media Chair Foundation).

Peter Kerkhof will be investigating the manner in which customer media engender loyalty to a brand and medium. Specifically, he will be studying how new media such as digital magazines, social media, mobile telephony and tablets can serve as tools to build relationships (with customers). This work will build on Kerkhof's previous research into ways in which organisations can deploy social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Hyves) and the resulting consumer impact. For many organisations and customer media providers, social media represent a new and uncharted territory. Yet the strategic deployment of online customer media can serve to secure a brand's role in social media. The research conducted by the recipient of the chair should contribute to understanding of these issues.

Kerkhof will also remain active as senior university lecturer at VU University Amsterdam, where he has headed the Communication Science Department since 2010. Kerkhof's work has appeared in numerous publications, including the Journal of Applied Communication Research, the Journal of Interactive Marketing and the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.