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Dr. Y. Venema has been appointed professor of Logic, in particular Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Computer Science, at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Science.

Dr. Y. Venema (1963) has been appointed professor of Logic, in particular Mathematical Logic and the Foundations of Computer Science, at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Science.

Yde Venema is active in several areas related to logic and theoretical computer science. His main expertise concerns the mathematical theory of modal logic, a branch of logic that has flourished in recent decades, with applications in areas ranging from economics to linguistics. Venema is the co-author of a standard work in this area, the textbook Modal Logic (Cambridge University Press, 2001). Venema's broader mathematical research interests are a natural extension of this area of expertise. Venema has published in fields of study as diverse as universal algebra, algebraic logic, topological dualities, automata theory and coalgebra.

Venema has been working at the UvA since May 1988, first as assistant professor and since 2006 as associate professor. He previously worked at the VU University Amsterdam, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science) in Amsterdam and Utrecht University. Venema is an editor for, among others, the electronic journal Logical Methods in Computer Science and the Journal of Logic and Computation. In 2005, he received a Vici grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for his research proposal Algebra and Coalgebra: the mathematical environment of modal logic.