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Prof. P.R. Klatser has been appointed professor of Development and evaluation of diagnostic tests in developing countries at the Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA) of the University of Amsterdam

Prof. P.R. Klatser (1955) has been appointed professor of Development and evaluation of diagnostic tests in developing countries at the Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA) of the University of Amsterdam.

Paul Klatser wants to boost inter- and transdisciplinary research in the field of diagnostic laboratory capacity. This varies from biomedical research for diagnostic test development to sustainable implementation of laboratory systems in developing countries. His professorial chair is hosted by the Amsterdam Institute of Global Health and Development (AIGHD), a consortium of partners from various disciplines, including the department of Biomedical Research of the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), the AMC-UvA and PharmAccess.

For the development of diagnostic tests, the KIT Biomedical Research department has expertise that can be combined well with the AMC-UvA’s clinical and biomedical knowledge on infectious diseases. The research into sustainable laboratory capacity can be enhanced by combining the knowledge of laboratory systems of both the KIT Biomedical Research department and the AMC-UvA with PharmAccess’ knowledge of health insurance in developing countries. Klatser sees opportunities in other disciplines for research into the use of diagnostics in practice and for impact studies.

Klatser has been working for KIT since 1983 and since 1999 he has been head of the KIT Biomedical Research department, which conducts health research, gives advice on capacity building in this field of expertise and develops affordable diagnostic tests for tropical diseases like malaria, leprosy and tuberculosis. He has a background in biochemistry and immunology. Klatser combines active research with consultancy, management and business development for the KIT Biomedical Research department and its clients. He is also Professor of Biomedical Research for Development at the Athena Institute of the VU University Amsterdam and supervises several PhD students. He advises multilateral organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) on the diagnosis of infectious diseases. He is editorial board member of various committees and organisations at home and abroad. In 1993 Klatser received the Eijkman medal for his achievements in the field of tropical medicine.