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Professor J. Legemaate has been appointed professor of Health Law at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA) and Faculty of Law (FdR).
Professor J. Legemaate (1958) has been appointed professor of Health Law at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA) and Faculty of Law (FdR).

Until recently, Johan Legemaate served as legal adviser and health law policy coordinator at the Royal Dutch Medical Association and occupied an endowed chair in Public Health Law at VU University Amsterdam. Legemaate previously held a position as professor of Health Care Policy and Health Care Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam's Institute of Health Policy & Management. He serves as chairman of the Association for Health Law and is a member of the Health Council of the Netherlands. Legemaate is also a member of the Supervisory Board of the Jeroen Bosch Hospital in Den Bosch.

In the past, Legemaate's research has focused on areas such as the practical effects of healthcare legislation and legal aspects of patient safety. He was also involved in the evaluation of several laws. In recent years, Legemaate headed a study on the role of the Health Care Inspectorate in relation to disciplinary law. His research at the AMC-UvA and UvA will focus on the legal position of patients and their options for legal recourse. He will also be involved in teaching medical students and will be responsible for the Faculty of Law's Public Health Law Master's programme. Legemaate will also serve as an adviser to the AMC-UvA's Legal Affairs department.