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Dr M.G.C.M. Peeters (1957) has been named professor of Derivatives Law by special appointment at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam. The Chair is endowed by the Foundation Securities, Markets and Regulation with financial support from NYSE Euronext.
Fotograaf: Jeroen Oerlemans

Dr M.G.C.M. Peeters (1957) has been named professor of Derivatives Law by special appointment at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam. The Chair is endowed by the Foundation Securities, Markets and Regulation with financial support from NYSE Euronext.

Marcel Peeters is not only a lawyer but also an economist, having received his PhD in economics from the University of Cambridge. His dissertation dealt with uncertainty and expectations in macroeconomics. He switched to the legal profession in the nineties and initially focused on Supreme Court litigation (cassatie) and litigation-related advisory work. Subsequently he specialised in financial law, in particular derivatives law and prudential regulation. He is an advocaat in the Banking & Finance group of the law firm NautaDutilh.

Marcel Peeters will undertake research from a civil law as well as a regulatory perspective, with a special focus on financial derivatives as instruments of risk allocation and other economic aspects. He will lecture on derivatives law and other financial-law subjects as part of the Masters programme. His research is part of the research programme of the Center for Financial Law of the Amsterdam Center for Law & Economics.