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Dr E.S.G. Stroes has been named professor of Internal Medicine, with a special focus on Vascular Medicine, at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).

Dr E.S.G. Stroes (1966) has been named professor of Internal Medicine, with a special focus on Vascular Medicine, at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).

Erik Stroes’s research will centre on the ‘regression’ of cardiovascular diseases by stimulating the excretion of cholesterol from the body. He will be focusing in particular on new pathways for stimulating cholesterol excretion. Stroes will also be developing new vessel wall mapping techniques, in order to study the development of arteriosclerosis more effectively. In addition, he will target novel pathways to modulate cardiometabolic derangements, including a potential role of the ‘glycosaminoglycans’ as regulatory molecules in cardiometabolic homeostasis.

Stroes is an internist specialising in vascular medicine. He obtained his doctorate degree at Utrecht University for a study on the role of vessel wall function in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In early 2001, Stroes joined the AMC-UvA’s Vascular Medicine Department, where he specialised in lipidology, cholesterol transport and vessel wall imaging. He has headed the Vascular Medicine Department since January 2010. Amongst other accolades, Stroes has received recognition for his work in the form of a Dekker fellowship from the Dutch Heart Foundation and a Career Stimulation grant from the Dutch Kidney Foundation. He has published extensively in professional journals such as New England Journal of Medicine, Blood, Circulation en Journal of the American College of Cardiology.