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Professor S. Shadrin (1980) has been appointed Professor of Geometry and Mathematical Physics at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Science.

Professor S. Shadrin (1980) has been appointed Professor of Geometry and Mathematical Physics at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Science.

Sergey Shadrin’s research is mainly centred around the moduli spaces of curves. These spaces are key to the interface between algebraic geometry and mathematical physics, and have rich connections to combinatorics, homotopical algebra, and integrable hierarchies.

Shadrin has served at the UvA as senior university lecturer in Mathematics since 2008. He previously served as lecturer at the University of Zurich and postdoctoral researcher at Stockholm University. In Russia, Shadrin worked as a senior research fellow at the Institute of System Research in Moscow and served as lecturer at the Moscow Centre for Continuous Mathematical Education.

Amongst other grants, he received a Vidi grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) in 2008. Vidi grants are aimed at young researchers who have conducted research at a postdoctoral level for a number of years after obtaining their doctorate degree, and who have demonstrated during this period that they are able to generate and successfully develop innovative ideas.