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Dr J.J. Homan van der Heide has been named Professor of Internal Medicine, and in particular of Nephrology, at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Homan van der Heide
Hoogleraar Inwendige geneeskunde, i.h.b. nefrologie

Dr J.J. Homan van der Heide (1955) has been named Professor of Internal Medicine, and in particular of Nephrology, at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).

Jacob Homan van der Heide’s work in the field of nephrology – the field concerned with conditions affecting the kidneys – focuses in particular on transplant medicine. His specific interests include the long-term side effects of various immunosuppressive drugs, long-term cardiovascular complications associated with kidney transplants and factors surrounding live donation. As a professor in what is still a relatively new and fast-developing field, Homan van der Heide will focus on clinical patient care, education and research. Currently, nephrology research is seeing a shifting emphasis on diverse treatment modalities, as well as expanding insights resulting from exponential growth in fundamental knowledge. Homan van der Heide has set himself the task of disseminating this knowledge and using it to develop new applications to help kidney patients.

Homan van der Heide has been head of the Kidney Transplant Department at the University Medical Center Groningen since 2001. His other positions include chair of the National Kidney Transplant Consultation (Landelijk Overleg Niertransplantatie) and member of the Netherlands Transplant Working Group (Transplantatie Werkgroep Nederland). He is also a member of various international scientific associations, is active within Eurotransplant International and serves as a reviewer. Homan van der Heide has published extensively in professional journals such as Transplantation, American Journal of Transplantation and New England Journal of Medicine.