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Dr R.H.H. Engelbert (1957) has been appointed professor by special appointment of Physiotherapy, with a special focus on the chain of care for complex patients in hospital care, at the University of Amsterdam’s Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA). The chair was created on behalf of the Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF).
Raoul Engelbert

Raoul Engelbert’s research focuses primarily on the existing lines of research at the AMC-UvA’s centre for the rehabilitation of complex patients, namely: intensive care aftercare, risk stratification, and the treatment of patients who have undergone surgery, vulnerable elderly patients and patients with cardiovascular conditions. In particular, Engelbert contributes to research surrounding the transition from second to first-line care in patients with complex healthcare problems.

Engelbert’s appointment provides an impetus for the quality of care for complex patients in hospital and marks a further step in the collaboration between the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS/HvA), the AMC-UvA, the UvA and the KNGF, with Engelbert furnishing the academic link between research, patient care and education. Currently, the AMC-UvA’s academic workplace – based at the AUAS/HvA – engages in diagnostics and treatment by professionals from the AMC-UvA and AUAS/HvA, employs doctoral researchers and trains students. Engelbert aims to intensify collaboration with first-line care, thereby creating a broader chain of care for complex patients in hospital and facilitating the transfer of patient information and research expertise as well as first-line treatment follow-up care.

Engelbert has been a lecturer of Physiotherapy at the AUAS/HvA since 2008. Previously, he worked at the Gooi-Noord regional hospital in Naarden and at the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital (part of the Utrecht University Medical Center). Engelbert sits on various committees and on the review boards of several scientific journals including Pediatrics, Journal of Pediatrics and Pediatric Physical Therapy. He is the author of 75 publications in journals such as Pediatrics and Rheumatology.