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Dr Judith K. Sluiter (1962) has been appointed professor of Medical Selection and Employee Guidance at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Prof Judith Sluiter
Photo: Jeroen Oerlemans

Judith Sluiter is specialised in measuring and influencing the work ability of workers. Special circumstances arise when employees are confronted with job demands that place exceptional exigencies on their medical capacities, and that may impact the health and/or safety of the employees themselves or those around them. As a preventative measure, job requirements of this nature justify the carrying out of pre-employment medical examinations and mandatory periodic medical screenings for the duration of the employment term.

If an employee’s work ability could be affected due to health problems, illness or a chronic condition, then a test of their work ability is also crucial. Effective socio-medical guidance can help ensure long-term employability among the general workforce, as well as older employees. In the years ahead, one of Sluiter's key research aims will be to develop and improve the use of improved medical research methods and interventions, so as to ascertain and influence such work ability.

Sluiter has been a staff member at the AMC-UvA Coronel Institute of Occupational Health since 2001, associate professor since 2005 and a principal investigator at the AMC-UvA since 2007. She is also a manager at the Expertise Center of Pre-and-On Employment Medical Examinations and Workers' Health Surveillance (Kenniscentrum Medische Keuringen in Arbeid, KMKA), which was set up in cooperation with the Netherlands Society of Occupational Medicine (NVAB) in 2009, and national secretary of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH).

Sluiter has several hundred international and national publications to her name. She was also among the designers of the new medical examinations and Workers' Health Surveillance protocols for occupational physicians for firefighters, ambulance staff and construction and healthcare workers.