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Dr J.M. Voogt (1953) has been appointed professor by special appointment of ICT and Curriculum at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. The chair was established on behalf of the Stichting Leerplan Ontwikkeling (Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development, SLO).
Prof Joke Voogt
Photo: Jeroen Oerlemans

Joke Voogt studies the manifold roles of information and communication technology (ICT) in the curriculum. She studies the influence of ICT on curriculum objectives and content (such as the safe use of media, information skills and 21st-century skills) arising from the expanding role of ICT in the knowledge society. 

Voogt also researches in what way and under what conditions ICT can increase the appeal, efficiency and/or effectiveness of education. A focus area of her research is the professional development of the teacher. This is because teachers - irrespective of whether they have just completed their teacher training programme or have extensive teaching experience - have been inadequately trained to use ICT for teaching and learning, and ICT applications are not always compatible with the educational views of teachers and schools. Her research on the integration of ICT in education and teacher professional development focuses on co-designing and evaluating interventions that can help reduce the gap between the potential of ICT and the actual use of ICT in teaching practice.

Lastly, Voogt's research covers the role ICT can play in supporting curriculum development. To that end she focuses on how ICT can provide tools and design environments to facilitate curriculum development. Possibilities range from providing ICT support to teacher-designers, and to platforms for validating new national curriculum proposals amongst a broad range of stakeholder groups in order to garner support and create curriculum acceptance and ownership. 

Voogt has been working for the department of Curriculum Design and Educational Innovation (Faculty of Behavioural Sciences) at the University of Twente (UT) since 1986 and has been an associate professor since 1999. She has also held several visiting professorships at the University of North Texas and King's College London. Aside from her research work, Voogt holds various advisory and board positions, including serving as a board member of the American Society of Information Technology in Teacher Education. Effective 1 January 2014, Voogt will combine her chair at the University of Amsterdam with a lectureship in Educational Innovation and ICT at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands).