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Dr N. Helberger (1970) has been appointed professor of Information Law, with a special focus on the use of information, at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Law.
Prof Natali Helberger
Photo: Jeroen Oerlemans

Natali Helberger researches how the role of the user of information is changing under the influence of information technology, and social and economic conditions. She also examines the resulting implications for the legal position, rights and obligations of information users under current and future media and communications law, consumer law and data protection law. Helberger's research features a strong interdisciplinary component: in order to assess whether and how information law ties in with the reality of information users and information markets, she regularly works with communication scientists, social scientists, psychologists as well as cultural scientists and economists.

The user's role and behaviour are also the result of a dynamic technical environment. Consequently, the relationship between law, behaviour and technology is another key focus area of Helberger's research. Since the information society transcends boundaries and information law is increasingly being influenced by or formulated in Brussels, Helberger focuses on European law in addition to national law.

Helberger has been working as a senior researcher at the UvA's Institute of Information Law (IViR) since 2006. She also holds various management and advisory positions. She is a member of the IViR management team and the research committee at the UvA's Faculty of Law. As a member of the Connect Advisory Group, she advises the European Commission on the content of the Horizon2020 programme. Helberger is also a member of the European Cloud Computing Contracts Expert Group. In addition, she is an editorial staff member of the Journal of Information Policy and a reviewer for several leading international journals and financing organisations. Hellberger also sits on the programme committee of EuroCPR, which is an initiative of the Centre for European Policy Studies, and the International Telecommunications Society (ITS).