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Dr P.J. van Baalen (1959) has been appointed professor of Information Management and Digital Organisation at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Economics and Business.
Dr. P.J. (Peter) van Baalen
Photo: Jeroen Oerlemans

Peter van Baalen researches the social, organisational and strategic aspects of inter-organisational information systems. The most important areas of application of Van Baalen's research are knowledge management, the 'new world of work', e-learning and inter-organisational information platforms. His research focuses in particular on digital innovations such as the digitisation of communication and business processes, the 'Internet of Things', the miniaturisation of computing, cloud computing, enterprise social media and big data; innovations that are set to radically change the traditional role of information systems in and between organisations.

In his research, Van Baalen will focus on the social, organisational and strategic consequences of these digital innovations for organisations. As the introduction of digital innovations is never an entirely smooth process, Van Baalen will continue working on the implementation issues surrounding digital innovations. In addition to his professorial appointment, Peter van Baalen will also take on the position of Director of the College of Economics and Business (CEB).

Van Baalen has been associate professor of Information Management at the Rotterdam School of Management of Erasmus University Rotterdam since 1999. He is scientific director of the Centre for E-learning and co-director of the Erasmus@Work research centre. Van Baalen participates in national and international research projects. Peter van Baalen has authored a number of books (e.g. informatie technologie in MKB, inter-organisationele informatiesystemen, kennismanagement, managementonderwijs in de netwerkeconomie) and has published many articles in journals such as Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Management Information Systems Quarterly Executive and European Management Journal.