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Dr R. J. Schotsman (1958) has been appointed professor by special appointment of the Implementation of Financial Services Laws and Regulations at the University of Amsterdam’s (UvA) Faculty of Law, effective 1 March 2014. The chair has been established on behalf of the Financial Services Chair Foundation (Stichting Leerstoel Financiële Dienstverlening).
Prof Rob Schotsman
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

As professor by special appointment of the Implementation of Financial Services Laws and Regulations, Rob Schotsman will focus on the way that financial regulations are implemented within banks and insurance companies, and the problems faced by the sector and its regulators. This will help develop a clearer picture of the actual effectiveness of financial regulations at national and European level. This research will form an important contribution to the development of a moral compass for professionals, so as to enable them to carry out banking and insurance services in an accountable manner. 

Schotsman has worked at the Netherlands Institute for Banking, Insurance and Investment (NIBE-SVV) since 1988, where he has been a senior advisor since 2002. He advises banks, insurers and others on the challenges faced within financial law. He is also the coordinator and core lecturer at the postgraduate programme leading to the qualification in Certified Specialist Financial Law (CSFL), delivered by the UvA’s Eggens Institute and NIBE-SVV. The programme brings together financial regulatory law and civil financial law. Schotsman is also an associate of the Centre for Financial Law at the UvA, which focuses on the  statutory law (regulation) and civil law (behaviour and accountability, corporate law) aspects of the financial sector. He is the author of the authoritative work Practical guide to financial regulatory law: financial markets and businesses under regulation (Praktijkgids Wft: financiële markten en ondernemingen onder toezicht).