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Dr W.L.A.M. de Kort (1952) has been appointed professor by special appointment of Donor Medicine at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA). The chair has been established on behalf of the Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation.
Prof Wim de Kort
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

Wim de Kort will be focusing specifically on the donor side of the blood transfusion chain. He will be researching the effects among donors of donating bodily substances, particularly blood, as well as how to ensure an adequate donor population and the development of risk-based donor selection. De Kort also intends to carry out scientific behavioural research into what blood donation means for donors: why do people become donors and what factors affect whether they remain donors? His teaching focus is on training donor doctors, which has become a recognised focus area within the Social Healthcare/Community Practice specialisation.

De Kort has worked at Sanquin Blood Supply since 1998. He previously worked at TNO Nutrition & Toxicology, and held an associated position as professor by special appointment in Occupational Medicine & Toxicology at Radboud University Nijmegen. De Kort has held the role of director of donor issues at Sanquin since 2010, and heads the Donor Studies department. He is the head of research for donor recruitment and retention, and for donor characteristics and deferral. He has written for a variety of professional journals, including Transfusion, Vox Sanguinis and BMC Methods in Biomedical Research.