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Dr P.A.L. Ducheine (1965) has been named professor by special appointment of Military Law of Cyber Security and Cyber Operations at the University of Amsterdam's (UvA) Faculty of Law. The chair was designated on behalf of the Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs en Onderzoek (Scientific Education and Research Foundation, Netherlands Defence Academy) of the Netherlands Defence Academy (NDLA).
Professor Paul Ducheine, Military Law of Cyber Security and Cyber Operations
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

As a military legal advisor, Paul Ducheine's research involves the military law aspects of cyber operations and cyber security. His main focus is on cyber warfare and, more specifically, on the legal basis for military cyber operations (the ius ad bellum – ‘right to go to war’) and legal regimes during such operations (the ius in bello – ‘conduct in war’). Ducheine also studies the theories that have developed around the concepts of (ICT) protection, law enforcement and intelligence as connected with cyber security, focusing on the legitimacy of military and other governmental cyber activities.

Colonel (Army Legal Service) Ducheine is an associate professor of Cyber Operations & Cyber Security at the Netherlands Defence Academy's Faculty of Military Science. After completing his officer's training at the Royal Military Academy and joining the Engineer Corps, he went on to study Public Administration at VU University Amsterdam and Law at Utrecht University. He has worked as a legal advisor in the Netherlands, Germany and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

From 2003 to 2007 he was seconded to the UvA's chair in Military Law as a researcher, taking his PhD at the UvA in March 2008 on 'Armed Forces, Use of Force & Counter-Terrorism'. Ducheine has been a lecturer in Armed Forces and Constitutional Law at the UvA since 2004, and is also a guest lecturer on International Humanitarian Law. Ducheine is furthermore a senior researcher in the Research Forum on Law of Armed Conflict and Peace Operations at the UvA's Amsterdam Centre of International Law. He has published on topics including military law, laws of war, ius ad bellum, use of force, drones and targeting.

Ducheine holds a number of ancillary positions, including as a member of expertise groups of the International Law Association and as a Cyber Conference Programming Committee member at NATO's Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. He is an editor at the journal Militaire Spectator, a board member of the Military Law Association of the Netherlands and a member of the editorial advisory board of Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law.