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Dr J.P.W.R. Roovers (1971) has been appointed professor of Gynaecology, specialising in Urogynaecology, at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Medicine (AMC-UvA).
Professor Jan-Paul Roovers
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

As urogynaecologist, Jan-Paul Roovers conducts research into the diagnostics of anatomical pelvic floor dysfunction. His research focuses primarily on the meticulous introduction and evaluation of new surgical techniques for women suffering from urinary incontinence and/or vaginal prolapse. In collaboration with colleagues at renowned centres in the Netherlands and abroad, Roovers is conducting translational research into ways of reducing damage to the pelvic floor and is engaged in developing a new type of implant to treat women suffering from vaginal prolapse.  

Aside from continuing his avenues of research and teaching students and research assistants, Roovers’ remit includes developing optimally integrated gynaecological care, whereby highly complex gynaecological care is concentrated at academic medical centres, operative care with a low and medium level of complexity at secondary care centres and non-operative care - supported by secondary care - at primary care centres.

Roovers was awarded a PhD from Utrecht University and trained to become a gynaecologist at the University Medical Center Utrecht and TweeSteden Ziekenhuis, a hospital in Tilburg. He was a Urogynaecology fellow at the UZ Gasthuisberg (university hospital) in Leuven. He has worked as a urogynaecologist at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Amsterdam Medical Center since 2006, serving as head of the Department of Gynaecology from 2012. Roovers has additionally held the position of medical director of Bergman Clinics Vrouwenzorg in Amsterdam since 2008. 

He has published extensively in academic journals such as the British Medical Journal, the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine. Roovers chairs the Board of Studies of the International Urogynaecological Association, the committee responsible for issuing guidelines on the multidisciplinary approach to pelvic organ prolapse, and the Academic Committee of the European Urogynaecological Association.