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Dr B.J.F. Keijser (1971) has been named professor by special appointment of Oral Systems Biology at the University of Amsterdam’s Academic Centre for Dentistry (ACTA), effective 1 March 2015. This special chair was established on behalf of the Lorentz-van Iterson Fund TNO (LIFT).
Prof Bart Keijser, ACTA, Oral Systems Biology
Photo: Dirk Gillissen

Bart Keijser studies the biological processes in the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract involved in maintaining health. Besides complex biological interactions between bacteria and human cells, Keijser will also investigate dietary effects and general state of health. The knowledge acquired within this chair will be used to develop new strategies for actively maintaining oral and respiratory health. The chair will contribute to integrated and individual approaches in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. 

As a molecular microbiologist at TNO, Keijser also heads the Oral Health research programme at the Top Institute for Food and Nutrition.